Giddings Public Library and Cultural Center

Download the Libby app to access more than 32,000 e-books and e-audiobooks

Read e-books on your own device at your leisure. Check out up to 5 digital materials at a time, and place up to 3 holds. Download the Libby app and start reading today! 

Frequently asked questions

How many books can I check out?

Our membership in the Central Texas Digital Consortium allows our members to check out up to 5 digital materials at a time. 

How many books can I place on hold?

Our membership in the Central Texas Digital Consortium allows our members to place up to 3 digital materials on hold

When I tried to connect my library card in the Libby app, there was a problem. What's wrong?

There are a couple of possibilities. You'll be unable to access books through Libby if:

Visit the library to resolve either of these issues, and you'll be able to access books through Libby.

Can you just walk me through how to get started?

Certainly! Find step-by-step instructions here

How do I read on my Kindle?

Visit this page for help reading on a Kindle.

I don't always have reliable Internet. Can I download the books to read when I don't have an Internet connection?

Yes, you can! Visit this page to learn how to download digital materials directly to your device.

Can I listen to audiobooks directly on my phone?

Yes, you can! Visit this page for more information about listening to audiobooks.

Can you recommend some video tutorials?

Absolutely. You'll find two video tutorials below, and even more on this page.

Watch this video to get started with our digital collection in a Web browser. 

Watch this video to discover the free Libby app, the easiest way to get started with our digital collection on your device.